Mark has been employed by Boys & Girls Club of Central Pennsylvania in 1995 and currently the Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg. This totals 24 dedicated years of service and knowledge. He is married to his beautiful wife Stacy and has two incredible sons, Tramayne & Jaylen.
Mark has been actively involved with the Boys & Girls Club for more than 44 years as a member, volunteer, Physical Director, Unit Director, Program Director, Director of Operations and currently serves as Executive Director.
Facilitated the Micro Soft \ Gates Foundation grants which provided state of the art technology labs for the Boys & Girls Club of Central Pa.
Coordinated the PP&L Community Volunteers project. The project was a $250,000 undertaking which renovated the Boys & Girls Club playground, football and baseball fields.
Manages the largest youth facility in the capital area.
In February 2009 was recognized by the City of Harrisburg for the “positive impact he’s had not only on the many Club members he has mentored over the years, but also the Harrisburg community as a whole.”
In November 2010 he received the “Richard Parker Civic Award for leadership & Community Service
Assisted with the Mark and Betty Butler (Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation) youth development park.